Have you written – or even partly completed – a novel of your own? Nicky is now offering a manuscript assessment service.
Nicky will read your novel, analyse its strengths and weaknesses, and help you whip it into shape. Are your characters gripping the reader from the very first chapter? Is the storytelling clear? Is the pace exactly right? Are the emotions authentic? Are the themes fully explored? Is your novel publishable? You will receive a detailed report to tell you all that and more.
Nicky has written 15 novels – her recent novel A Dream Of Italy was the top-selling work of NZ fiction in 2019. She has been the book editor of the Herald On Sunday, had a regular book column in the New Zealand Woman’s Weekly and has 30 years experience as a magazine journalist.
Her area of expertise is commercial/popular fiction and whether you plan to self-publish or approach literary agents, she can help you produce a draft that is ready for submission.
Every story needs a fresh pair of eyes and every writer, no matter how successful and skilled, needs guidance before starting on the crucial editing/revision process.
If you would like to Nicky to assess your manuscript please contact her to find out more.