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Auckland Writers Festival

By March 19, 2014January 18th, 2023Events

If you love Sicilian food and enjoy my novels and you live in or near Auckland then you must definitely come to Toto for lunch on Friday May 16. There’ll be a three course meal – with the chocolate chicken dish from The Food Of Love Cookery School – a glass of wine, my pal author Sarah-Kate Lynch introducing me; and then me talking a lot. There are loads of amazing authors appearing this year from Alice Walker to Alexander McCall Smith so check out their website Details of my event are here

Nicky Pellegrino

Author Nicky Pellegrino

Nicky Pellegrino writes novels that take her readers to Italy. They are filled with food, friendship, love and the kinds of people who will feel like they’re your friends. Nicky has an Italian father, grew up in England and now lives in Auckland, New Zealand where she spends a lot of time cooking, eating and riding horses. Somehow she has still managed to write 11 best-selling books.

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